Advanced Analytics
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque id quam nec sapien eleifend malesuada sed nec risus. Vestibulum vel nisl id elit euismod suscipit id eget arcu. Aenean porta risus massa, vel lacinia enim finibus et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque id quam nec sapien eleifend malesuada sed nec risus. Vestibulum vel nisl id elit euismod suscipit id eget arcu. Aenean porta risus massa, vel lacinia enim finibus et.

‍Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque id quam nec sapien eleifend malesuada sed nec risus. Vestibulum vel nisl id elit euismod suscipit id eget arcu. Aenean porta risus massa, vel lacinia enim finibus et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque id quam nec sapien eleifend malesuada sed nec risus. Vestibulum vel nisl id elit euismod suscipit id eget arcu. Aenean porta risus massa, vel lacinia enim finibus et.



Organizations continue to operate in rapidly changing environments—disruptive technologies, new forms of competition, higher expectations from customers, changing geopolitics, and greater pressure from regulators. The first step of managing risk is knowing what threat to be concerned about, whether it’s coming from your competition or your supply chain, or whether your organization is more vulnerable to a regulatory issue or a cyber threat. We help you manage risk from strategy setting to organizational culture to execution—to successfully manage risks and find the opportunities within them—so you can meet objectives and generate positive outcomes.


  • Assess the “as-is” culture and governance and determine areas of improvement based on leading practices.
  • Define roles and structure of the government board and various organizational champions.
  • Improve the integration of ERM principles into the entity’s strategic plan through the process of setting strategy, objectives, and business management processes.
  • Identify and assess the risks that impact business strategy.
  • Prioritize risks in consideration of severity and your risk appetite, while subsequently choosing risk responses and methods to monitor performance.
  • Track the value of the program and how it helps support performance relative to strategic objectives/targets.
  • Provide the tools, templates, and communications that can be applied consistently across the enterprise.

Too often, companies invest in massive systems and don’t come out with the efficiencies they were expecting. Silverthorne can change that. Through our knowledge of and proficiency with Oracle, we help organizations get the most out of their system implementation. We make sure that the investment complies with requirements and becomes a key enabler to improve the organization’s pursuit of strategic objectives and performance targets.